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Download googleearthengine

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Buttons: zoom in and out with the and buttons.As a reminder for navigating the Google Maps interface, the following points provide some basics. Unless you have already added a dataset to your workspace, your Data list will be empty, and the map will show the Google Maps terrain layer, as shown above. On the Workspace page, you will see a map on the right, and space for a list of data layers on the left. Click on the Workspace button in the upper right of any EE Explorer page.The Workspace is where you manage and visualize datasets in EE Explorer.

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You can return to the Data Catalog page by clicking your browser Back button twice, or by clicking the Data Catalog button in the upper right.

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There is also a blue Open in workspace button which can be used to add the dataset to your current workspace (more on that below). This page shows details about the selected dataset, including its name, a brief description, a sample image, and information such as which dates are available, the provider’s name, and any tags for that dataset.

  • Select the Landsat 8 Collection 1 Tier 1 32-Day NDWI Composite to open its detail page, shown below.
  • On the Data Catalog page, click on the 32-day tag to bring up all the 32-day mosaics.
  • Clicking on usgs brings up a list of datasets from the USGS, including datasets from Landsat, MODIS, and products derived from them.
  • For example, toa brings up a list of datasets depicting “top-of-atmosphere reflectance”.
  • Click on a few of the popular tags to see what kinds of datasets they contain.
  • To access other datasets, use the search bar at the top of the page. Below that is a list of various data types and multi-day mosaics, including brief descriptions of, and direct links to, a handful of the available datasets. On the Data Catalog page you will see a list of Popular Tags, linking to datasets that have those tags applied.
  • Click on the Data Catalog button in the upper right of the EE Explorer app.
  • A subset of the data are available for display in EE Explorer. The Data Catalog lists the datasets available for viewing and analysis in Earth Engine proper. The goals of this tutorial are to enable you to use EE Explorer, inspire you to discover and view new data, and provide a starting point to imagine how you might expand your exploration using the other more powerful Earth Engine platform tools to answer questions about the current state and ongoing changes affecting the Earth. This tutorial will cover the use of the EE Explorer application, including: It allows for quick viewing of data with the ability to zoom and pan anywhere on Earth, adjust visualization settings, and layer data to inspect change over time. Earth Engine Explorer (EE Explorer) is a lightweight geospatial image data viewer with access to a large set of global and regional datasets available in the Earth Engine Data Catalog.

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