Got £135 to spend (really don't want to go higher, I've already stretched things a bit) Not much reason to play 3U if you get 4U, outside of experiencing the older maps and exclusive monsters(some being the controversial underwater fights which you aren’t missing much). 3U is a fantastic “Classic” MH experience but 4U pretty much overrides it in most areas. Better visuals, better performance on console.

But even if only playing solo, the Wii U version is the one to play.

Get on Switch unless you want to spend a few bucks to see a lesser version in 3D.ģU on 3DS is ok, but is single player only as only the WiiU version has online. Unless you are a longtime MH fan, much of this game and its progression will feel overwhelming and confusing too. Quests are inundated with dull activities and you may as well play the Switch version anyway at this point if you want to experience it(or rather just jump into MH Rise which offers a lot of QoL features and aspects of what the new stances deliver here, but far better handled in a myriad of ways). Generations is basically a fan-service “anniversary” game that delivers an incredible amount of MH content across all prior games, and adds in new stances that opens up a lot of crazy builds and turns the classic feel of the game into something more active, but at the cost of imbalance.