We'll dive into advanced tips and strategies in the sections below, but first, here are some quick tips and suggestions that will help you consistently succeed while playing Sojourn. The amount of damage dealt by the energy beam is determined by how charged the Railgun is the higher the charge, the higher the damage of the energy beam attack. Then, Sojourn can use the weapon's secondary fire to expel the weapon's charge and blast enemies with a precise hitscan energy beam that can deal up to 130 damage (260 on a headshot, instantly killing many heroes). The Railgun's primary fire allows Sojourn to shoot rapid-fire projectiles that charge the weapon up. The core of Sojourn's kit is her Railgun, which can be fired in two different ways. Overclock: Sojourn's Ultimate ability that allows her Railgun to auto-generate energy for a period of time, while also giving her Railgun attacks the ability to pierce multiple enemies.Disruptor Shot: This allows Sojourn to shoot an energy field that slows and damages enemies caught in it.Jumping during the slide leads to a high jump.

Power Slide: An ability that allows Sojourn to slide in the direction you're moving in, gaining a speed boost.Secondary fire shoots high-impact shots that use stored energy. Primary fire shoots rapid-fire projectiles that build energy.