In addition to this, you can send and receive media, participate in group chats, send and receive voice notes and even receive notifications whenever a new message is received. You’ll still be able to access all the conversations available on your smartphone. Note that because WhatsApp connects to your iPhone to sync messages you should make sure it’s connected to Wi-Fi or you might use up your data. Open the chat that contains the video you want to download. You can use WhatsApp Web to send and receive Whatsapp messages on up to four linked devices and one phone. On your computer, go to your browser and launch WhatsApp for Web. Wait while you are logged in on the website.Scan the QR code that appears on the website using your iPhone.You should also check that your internet plan is active and that you haven't run out of data.Back in 2015, WhatsApp started to offer a version of WhatsApp for PC & Mac users dubbed WhatsApp Web. It’s essentially a browser-based WhatsApp app, allowing users to log in from virtually any device and be able to access their WhatsApp messages. If that doesn't help, enable airplane mode and change back to regular mode.

Step 2: Click on the download icon in the toolbar (refer to the picture below), select a location on your PC to save the video file, type a name of the video file and then click the Save button. Doing this will open the video in the dedicated window. Try turning off cellular (or mobile) data and then switching it back on again. 1) Download Whatsapp Desktop app from below the articles 2) Next to Install Whatsapp.exe file into your Windows or MAC 3) Now Open WhatsApp on smartphone and. Step 1: Perform a double-click on the video file that you want to download to your computer. If the connectivity issue persists when the router comes back on, refer to our guide detailing how to fix slow Wi-Fi connections.

Start by switching your Wi-Fi router off and then back on. If other applications are also experiencing similar connectivity issues, check that you're connected to the internet. You can also try visiting a webpage on your preferred browser.

Try using other apps on your phone and check if they can access the internet. This could be the reason why your WhatsApp images are not downloading. How to download video on Whatsapp webIf you are using Whatsapp web you will be able to send and receive messages on your pc just like you are using your phon. When you're having difficulties using an app that requires the internet, you should check that your internet or mobile data connection is working correctly.